Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dragons, Dinosaurs & MONSTERS!

My Daughter, MB, is 2 yrs old - she talks alot and has an amazing imagination! She's had a few "run-ins" with Dragons and Dinosaurs that I wish I could 'delete', but the stories that come from them are pretty humorous!

First, the Dragon! We were visiting with a friend that has two boys that love going to see the dragon at the mall, so we went with them and I was expecting a cartoony, kid friendly dragon experience - BUT - when we got there the loud growlings and roarings were accompanied with a scary FIRE-breathing dragon near the ceiling.  MB didn't know how to react until she saw her "brave" friend (the little boy that is her age) start to cry.  From that moment she became OBSESSED, and was telling everyone, nonstop about the scary dragon and always ASKING Daddy to take her to the mall to see dragons for their daddy-daughter dates.
After that story I'm sure you'll think I was foolish and maybe a little cruel for doing what I did next. Months after our dragon experience I was tempted to see an exhibit that had mechanical dinosaurs.  So the first one looked like a tiny T-rex, and it's fingers were wiggling, so I tried to make it fun and told her "hey, look, he's pretending to play the piano!" and then it swung it's tail "Oh, MB, he must be happy, he's wagging his tail like a puppy!"  BUT, then he roared and his head swooped quickly towards us with open mouth full of sharp terrifying teeth.... and MB got all tense and said "Mommy, I'm sad"... so I went into protective Momma-mode and got her outta there.  This story comes up every now and again as well...
My favorite story though is this... and she's so cute....  She's started talking about monsters, and as her brother is crawling and creeping around now she often pretends that he is the monster and she yells "Mommy, run the monster is coming" and we run or jump up and 'hide' on the furniture and pretend to be scared and baby thinks he's SOOOOO FUNNY!   Well one day, MB hollared to me as she came down the stairs, "Mommy, I'm a monster!!!!" so I screamed and ran like I was scared, but didn't get far when she said "it's okay mommy, I'm not real!" (so sweet that she didn't want me to be scared after all I've inflicted her with).
Okay, maybe I won't win Mom of the Year this year... but the kid is pretty cool still!


  1. You guys have a lot of fun adventures- no wonder you never let me take them away from you! ;)

  2. MB is so cute!! I love that instead of crying or screaming she said "Mom, I'm sad".
