Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hi Pastrami, Nice to meet you!

MB has quite the imagination - I'm not sure if the things she does is usual for a 2 yr old (almost 3 already!!) but regardless she keeps me laughing and entertained all the time!
One of her "things" is to pretend to be a character and we have to call her by her new name all the time, and she WILL correct us and even feed us our lines.... example....  "come and eat"-me  "no, say, come and eat Pablo"-MB "okay, come and eat Pablo" -me     
Yes, I give in to her feeding me my lines because I have learned that doing anything else is destructive!
So I thought I would share some of the interesting characters she pretends to be..
Pablo (he's a penquin that hates the cold)
Diego (Dora's cousin, and when she's Diego, I'm ALWAYS Dora and I need to remember my name too)
Baby Clayton (yes, neither Baby or Clayton will suffice)
Princess (sometimes baby princess, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Mermaid, and others I can't think of)
Dino (T-rex or Triceratops are the usual variations)
Woody, Buzz (Lightyear)
My favorite was this Sunday, she was "Prince Charming"... on the way home from church she kept trying to convince me (the queen) to marry her, and why wouldn't I? She's Prince Charming!!! But I resisted, as it would make Daddy sad, because I'm already married to him!
When we got home, she told Daddy "I'm Prince Charming"... he misunderstood "Hi Pastrami, nice to meet you"... but she didn't catch on and so now whenever she pretends to be Prince Charming Hugh just calls her Pastrami (maybe not as funny as I write it, but it keeps me laughing... I just don't have the knack for story telling...... errrrr..... now I have to go)

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