Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cramming time!

So anyone who is 'following' is probably thinking how LAME I am at doing a daily blog... meh, I don't know if I'm super dissappointed myself, but I thought I better cram a few in today:

Day 10-Songs you listen to when you're bored, happy, sad, mad, hyped
Day 11-A picture of you and your family
Day 12- Put your ipod or shuffle on-first 10 songs that play
Songs I listen to... Usually whatever is on the radio but if i need to be specific to the moods, here is what i would choose:  Bored: Mika - Grace Kelly (seems to put me in a better mood)
Happy - Earth, Wind, and Fire - September
Sad - All American Rejects - It Ends Tonight
Mad - Hoobastank - Same Direction
Hyped - Queen - Break Thru

A Picture of me and my family... I've been meaning to take a group pic forever... even had a goal to send out our family pics on a christmas card... but here I am, still without a picture of the group... so here's what i DO have...

I will do my best to capture all of us together sometime soon, and post a more recent one...

Day 12... I feel almost like I could get away with boycotting this and not doing it, because I'm not cool enough to have an ipod, or even a cell phone... Since I got married, I basically dropped outta the technology race - so please forgive me... alls I gots r cds in the car-o     and those don't really capture the shuffle effect. But now you know about my lameness, and so this day's blog has been accomplished, right!?!

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