Wednesday, May 16, 2012

No Bridging the Gap

Months and months have come and gone since my last post.  To be honest, I didn't really think I'd ever post again.  Yet, here I am... in a weird mood and decided to write.   Lots has happened since the last post but I'm not going to update completely - here's the summary:  my thyroid stopped - that sucked but I got pills to keep me rolling now.  Hugh's working like crazy at school and working full time and I'm super proud of him!!!  Little Lila is saying Momma and crawling! Marybelle is taking swim lessons with Grandpa J and Clayton is still running full steam nonstop making messes and is finally talking really well (if u ask me!)

This week has been busy and fun!  I put in my parents garden yesterday and today I put in my garden!  Hugh and I also got to go The Avengers this week - I loved it!!

Here's what's bothering me today... I suffer from thinking I'm funny sometimes when other people may not think I'm being funny.  It's been a lifelong disease and it's costed me many times.  I hate it..... I mean, I LOVE trying to be funny, but hate this sick feeling when I've said or done something and am not sure how it's being received.  It Sucks!   Some people might just think I'm mean or a jerk... but I'm not trying to be.   I don't think I'm mean hearted - my intention is never to hurt anyone, it's always to be funny.   so.... what should I do? Stop trying to be funny at all? (that feels like it would be dull to me)  How can I learn where to draw the line?  Ugh!  It sucks...

If I've seemed like a jerk to u, or hurt u personally... please know that it wasn't intentional and I'm sorry that I'm not always funny.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're hilarious and never am offended by anything you say! some people just need to grow their own sense of humor and stop being party poopers, and looking for ways and means to be offended. if this was a female who maybe didn't get your humor... chances are, she's just looking for some drama because she's a boring person and she knows it. grr! don't stop being funny!
