Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 4-A habit that you wish you didn't have

It's pretty simple - here comes the confession... and maybe that's the first place to start to make a change...
My name is Tressa and.... I'm a nail biter.
I know, super gross!  and I think the thing that bothers me the most about it is that now my beautiful little daughter has picked up my bad habit :(
Now's the time for change, I've stopped before, I just need to make it permanent!

P.S. please don't tell anyone (or even notice when you see me) it's super gross and embarrassing and I'm totally self conscious about it!


  1. Ty does this too. Drives me Crazy! But don't worry, even now that I know the truth, I still love ya!

  2. Ok I totally bite my nails when I'm nervous or scared. Especially watching a moving. So we are together in this!
