Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 8-Short term goals for this month and when you'll accomplish them

Ahhhhh Yes! Goals.... 'right, right' - Goals are one of those things that we are supposed to always have, and with a New Year having just happened we are all supposed to be really intense on them right now, right?!
Then this should be an easy blog...
Goal #1
This is ALWAYS the goal on the top of my list!  Just Survive! Keep breathing, keep moving....survive whatever comes your way!


Read books - I'm trying to be part of a bookclub - which was something that I never thought I'd like (and I do) or that I'd have time for (and now my children are neglected.. jks... Hugh is super helpful!)  So I'm going to give it my all to read more books and go to book club, because it makes me feel like I'm opening my mind... (I'm the girl with the glasses in the pic btw... that's my goal too)

Goal#3.... the usual.... workout... eat better
Goal#4.... Blog... we'll see how this goes... I think I have two followers, so sorry if I let you ladies down ... haha

1 comment:

  1. I'm confused? is it your goal to get glasses, or have straight red hair?...:) You better not let me down! I love being able to keep in touch this way!
